PlantSight Administrator Help

Tagging systems

Used to manage tagging systems. Create or import tagging systems. Manipulate aspects of each tagging system template.

Opens when you select an Industry from the Tag Administration page.

The page is divided into two panels: Tagging systems (left) and Tagging System details (right).

Used to edit tagging systems or details. Opens a toolbar at the bottom of the respective panel containing tools related to the selected item. Tools not fitting in the toolbar are shown in the More menu (...).
Used to collapse/expand the two panels.
Add Tagging System Opens the Add tagging system dialog. Here you can:
  • create an Empty Tagging System
  • create a Tagging System by copying a Custom Tagging System
  • create a Tagging System by copying a Template
Select a folder and click Create to add the tagging system.
Import Tagging System Opens the Import tagging system dialog. Here you can select an Import file containing tagging system data.
Important: The import file must have a specific format. Two template files are available for download.

Enter a Name and Description of the tagging system. By default you import the tagging rules into the aspect Functional. Click Import to complete the import.

Add Folder Opens the Add folder dialog. Enter a Name for the new folder, and click OK. ... Add Folder contains a Delete (folder) option when added folders are selected.
Delete Deletes the selected folder or tagging system.

  • To delete a tagging system, select the tagging system and click Delete.
  • To delete a folder, select an empty folder and click Delete. If the folder contains tagging systems, you need to delete the tagging systems first.